Welcome to the Official Website of Quartermidgets of America

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Quater MIdgets of America

QMA 75th Anniversary Grands

Creekside Raceway QMA

@Oaklane QMC, Quakertown PA

July 16-20th

Magic City QMA, Billings MT

Aug 5-10th

Quater MIdgets of America

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A Blue Color Kart Zooming on a Racing Track


The Sport of Quarter Midget Racing

Quarter Midgets of America is a non-profit organization that involves families from all over North America, including Canada. With a large number of quarter midget clubs across the U.S. and Canada, the Quarter Midgets of America created 13 different regions throughout this vast area.

Quarter Midget Racing is undoubtedly one of the "best-kept secrets" a family or motorsports enthusiast could come across.

What is a Quarter Midget?

A Quarter Midget car is a scaled-down version of an actual midget racer, approximately 1/4 scale. The cars are built around a tubular frame and are fully suspended with springs or torsion bars and shocks. The bodies are fibreglass, usually painted to the driver's preference. Surrounding the driver is a chrome-moly roll cage and nerf bars. The engines are single cylinder and are manufactured by Honda, Continental, Briggs & Stratton, and Deco.

In the motors stock configuration, they produce between 2.5 & 4 horsepower. Modifications in the upper classes allow these engines to reach several times the stock horsepower. These air-cooled 4-cycle engines are reliable and can produce as much as 10,000 rpm's in their more highly modified forms.

Quarter Midget Racing Videos

Photos of Quarter Midget Racing

Kids in Kart Cars Racing With Each Other Side View Angle
A Man in a yellow Shirt Carrying a Boy on his Shoulder
Quater MIdgets of America